Having dry cracked skin around your mouth can sure be painful. It can make opening your mouth seem almost unbearable. So if you are suffering from cracked skin around the corners of your mouth then you have what is called angular cheilitis. It is a very common skin condition that people from all over the world suffer from. Thankfully you can start preventing it for good by following a few easy tips.
The first thing you must do is start drinking more water. By drinking at least seven glasses of water each day you will allow your skin to become healthier. And that is just what you want. Having moisturized and healthy skin is a way easier way to get rid of that dry skin.
Another way that you can get rid of angular cheilitis is by applying a warm cloth around the affected skin. This helps speed up the blood flow and will allow for faster healing. So instead of doing nothing about that dry skin on your face you need to start following these tips. They will help you get those results that you are looking for.